

# 01 – The Cousin’s Bellic
# 02 – It’s Your Call
# 03 – Three’s a Crowd
# 04 – First Date
# 05 – Bleed Out
# 06 – Easy Fare
# 07 – Jamaican Heat
# 08 – Concrete Jungle
# 09 – Bull in a China Shop
# 10 – Hung Out to Dry
# 11 – Clean Getaway
# 12 – Ivan the Not So Terrible
# 13 – Uncle Vlad
# 14 – Crime and punishment
# 15 – Do you have protection?
# 16 – Shadow
# 17 – Final Destination
# 18 – Logging On
# 19 – No Love Lost
# 20 – Rigged to blow
# 21 – The master and the molotov
# 22 – Russian Revolution
# 23 – Roman’s Sorrow
# 24 – Search and delete
# 25 – Easy as can be
# 26 – Out of the Closet
# 27 – No. 1
# 28 – Escuela of the Streets
# 29 – Street Sweeper
# 30 – Luck of the Irish
# 31 – Blow Your Cover
# 32 – The Puerto Rican Connection
# 33 – The Snow Storm
# 34 – Have a Heart
# 35 – Deconstruction for Beginners

作者: Skiaffo from GTA-Expert.com
全部GTA4 PC版存档.


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